Easily distracted by big veins shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

First, you silence the Easily distracted by big veins shirt, then you massively increase funds to all of the militaries, then you increase the police force and control the courts and judges. And you keep going around the country holding rallies spouting lies and hatred. Worked for Hitler, why not Trump? Wait so he wants to get rid of miles of red tape and useless unconstitutional federal regulations and oversight that make it harder for Americans to succeed in a free market. Yeah, that sounds awful. Not wasting federal tax dollars, and disbanding unlawful criminal labor unions like the one in SF which makes sure your ticket taker at Bart makes over 150k a year plus benefits putting them in the top 10% of earners in America for tearing your transit ticket.
Easily Distracted By Big Veins Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Easily distracted by big veins shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
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