Brooklyn Nine nine What’s up beaches vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

Chill Will Davis omg u never heard the Brooklyn Nine nine What’s up beaches vintage shirt. Or Wath’s Up Beaches Brooklyn 99 shirt. My only crime was being a cousin and I can’t get this song out of my head. Chill Will Davis if you don’t have children or little ones around you regularly you might miss it. My nephew stops everything when it comes on. Stands in front of the TV bobbing up and down. Sooo cute. That’s the actual dance moves! You ‘ll have to u-tube the video so u can do it too. I dont have kids but I have known this song since I was a kid.
Brooklyn Nine Nine What's Up Beaches Vintage Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Brooklyn Nine nine What’s up beaches vintage shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt