Shame on that coach for dragging the I didn’t go to Harvard I went to FT Benning shirt into the mix, embarrassing him in front of his peers and bystanders in the stands at a school game. Which I’m sure there were a lot of people there. When you work with children you have to learn to keep your cool. Looks like he let the Uncle get the best of him. Come on who’s the adult here?! Poor kid. A racial slur was really unnecessary. I’m sure it hurts just the same no matter who is dishing it out. Idk why it even matters that he was the same race. Smh really people. I’m sure the young man was embarrassed by his coach and his family for making such a spectacle of themselves. Too bad the children have to pay sometimes for their families lack of class. I hope the coach reaches out to this young man and encourages him to continue in his athletic pursuits.

Buy this shirt: I didn’t go to Harvard I went to FT Benning shirt