Put the other five dread master helmets into the Mos Eisley cantina Tatooine shirt and you can have my money … Give me DM Brontes as a companion and you can have more money! I wish I had a PC so I could play this game 🙁 I put so much time into it and it’s so much fun. I miss my fellow Sith. Just decided to come back to TOR after a couple years hiatus, and man has they simplified this game to the detriment of the experience… no builds or skill trees, no companion gear, fast travel everywhere, gear mods and the HUGE emphasis on the cartel market… Playing a newly rolled character, will see how end game goes, and how much its changed.. as for this mount, he’s okay… im just a sucker for the crates, so that’s where my credits end up.

Buy this shirt: Mos Eisley cantina Tatooine shirt, hoodie, sweater