The picture below is a My favorite colors light black medium black shirt dish in Borneo especially Brunei. This is Ambuyat. I recommend you to taste it. I’m not a big spicy food fan, but the Salt and Sour chips salt and lemon have me hooked! I never knew they have this kind of classes. But what I would not fully approve in Thai food is their love to frying everything. While I’d rather eat a fish steamed to save its gentle taste, Thi would fry it. You want to be that way you’re basically killing yourself because there are so many health problems when you’re obese. It’s sad that she wants to do this to herself and that he’s helping this is basically suicide and encouraging her is wrong if you really loved someone you’d encourage them to eat healthier and do healthy things and activities, not the opposite.
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My favorite colors light black medium black shirt, hoodie, sweater