These are my It’s going to be a Goldendoodle coffee and naps kind of day shirt. I am seeing a lot of adopt a mutt from a shelter instead on this post. I adopted my mutt on the left from the shelter 11 yrs ago. Don’t be so quick to judge people who own these adorable mutts. Toto Ronald a farmer was giving pups away out of his pickup truck at Walmart. We picked Toto Ronald in Dec 1996. He lived for 15 years. Best dog I ever had. A gentle sweet puppy that was great with kids. Our Goldendoodle will be 4 in August. His coat/grooming is nothing compared to the chow and huskies I’ve had. No shedding, no matting, and minimal brushing. Cowboy Magic shampoo and conditioner every other week and we’re golden.
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It’s going to be a Goldendoodle coffee and naps kind of day shirt, hoodie, sweater