We love this Pineapple Star Wars shirt! My 15-year-old son begged me to let him make it when he saw ham was on sale. Just one of the many recipes we use for sweet ham. What was the purpose of thyme as a garnish? None. Wouldn’t it be better suited to use a garnish that actually goes with sweet dishes like mint, lavender, chamomile or strawberry flowers, etc? This looks good, although, I’m not a fan of cottage cheese. It’ll be fun to experiment and see what will go amazingly with this dessert since the video is giving us an idea. So I’d substitute the cottage cheese for cream cheese, and use brown sugar instead of regular sugar. I think that would be good. DeMarcus Keisler Grant. This looks delicious! Why not get some ice cream instead of cottage cheese.

Buy this shirt: Pineapple Star Wars shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt