It always gets colder than you think it A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a camper shirt. Bring layers so you can take them off if it’s hot. I have one of mine between hers and one of hers between mine. My little one was confused and then looked under the blanket, didn’t see her sister and waved bye-bye. Three or maybe four dogs were legit astounded or freaked out. I take it from her then gulp it. She looks at me questioningly. She got pregnant before we dated and I only found out about it the week you told me. Then go buy Nandos. Mimi is walking behind me quietly. I think she’s trying to keep an eye on me. Lots of people have covered things, my big camping non miserably advice is look up temperatures at night and plan accordingly.
Buy this shirt:
A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a camper shirt