Wow! I was thrilled that Never underestimate a woman who listens to Freddie Mercury and was born in August shirt roses into the crowd and I caught one. You win, hands down! Evan Jane Kriss o.m.g I cant wait to see them. I took my 11 year old daughter to see him. I swear she is an old soul. She wanted to see the movie again the next day. Even though we all know how this movie was going to end, we were all in tears. I will do my best to locate the pictures. I moved across the country and there are decades worth of photos in various boxes! Stephanie Bunting, I’ve been around for a while. Was about 17 or 18 at this concert! So incredibly grateful I got to see so many of the truly amazing bands when they were coming up! It’s nothing like the overproduced spectacles nowadays. It was pure rock and roll!
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Never underestimate a woman who listens to Freddie Mercury and was born in August shirt, hoodie, sweater