Your dentist has given you a Once a dentist always a dentist no matter where you go or what you do shirt. It’s hit the facial nerve instead of the inferior alveolar nerve, which isn’t funny at all. I’m sure her dentist explained what happened, they gave her a patch to avoid issues while she can’t blink. She finds humor in it, so maybe relax a little. I got injections like that at the dentist once. And my mouth was so numb that sometimes I forgot. I had food On the side of my mouth when I was eating !!! And so when I said thanks to Mum for dinner and stood up she said uh Ryan you haven’t quite finished yet darling. She doesn’t look like she’s gone to the dentist she looks the same as me at the moment and I’ve been diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy and you have to wear an eye patch sometimes cause your eye doesn’t shut properly.

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Once a dentist always a dentist no matter where you go or what you do shirt