I don’t understand why people clip their Pitbull speak for those who have no voice shirt. They look better with ears. In Tunisia, they sell dogs with spots painted on them. It is no leopard, it doesn’t look anything like a leopard. Obviously a pit bull. I saw this type of spotted pit bulls in East Oakland only the spots were from bite marks of fighting, and after losing they get tossed to the curb. Guys, it’s creative grooming art aka extreme grooming art started in Japan totally nontoxic food grade dye washed out if you think the dog is born this way or it’s abused get real lol. Why do you have to crop them? Seriously ear infections can be treated. It’s not a normal thing to do to have dogs ears cropped it’s not natural, and you’d cause more infections with them open!
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Pitbull speak for those who have no voice shirt, hoodie, sweater