Unicorn Stay out of my bubble shirt

I’m not hiding behind anyone anymore, I gotta get the Unicorn Stay out of my bubble shirt, make things happen for myself and open new doors for myself and those I care about, not dealing with anyone’s bs anymore, it’s my time‼️and anyone trying to stop me will not succeed, leave me be. So as I was laying on my floor just now, I tried blowing a bubble and the gum came out of my mouth and I got it to suck in the baby hairs on the back of my head, luckily it was only a small amount cause I cut it. Can you fucking faggots get out of my mentions over someone else’s post. Y’all don’t know shit about me, what I do, or my values. When y’all mature and actually go beyond the bubble of twitter and actually do shit for your communities, as I do, then maybe I’d take Y’all seriously.
Unicorn Stay Out Of My Bubble Hoodie