My 63-yr-old dad, who has been working construction his Butterfly Your wings were ready but my heart was not shirt life. On retirement dreams not currently feasible. I wanna get some em lil bike pants n cycle round on a bicycle Had no idea he was interested in such things about broke my heart and so I fight on for economic justice. My heart is broken! My beautiful nan has grown her wings and flew to heaven. Not only was she my nan she was also my best friend! RIP nan you know how much we all loved you and how much you’ll be missed you’ve left a huge hole in my heart. Basta ako to lang, not until it comes from the horse’s mouth will I waver. For me, it was 2 friends hanging out. Nothing wrong with that. People can put all diff kinds of meaning but that’s just it. Other people’s pov. Just saying! My heart is still intact.

Buy this shirt: Butterfly Your wings were ready but my heart was not shirt