Even when they’re taught to fight and I’m the big sister no question no argument we’ll just do things my way shirt. When someone comes along. And shows it love they will go back to being their loving natural way. From the start of their breed, their purpose was to be a sort of nanny for children. When the contraption expands and creates the seal won’t that cause a problem. I have no idea about medical procedures btw and have been wondering this for a while. But what he is, is a fantastic companion, a loyal friend and a fierce protector. It’s not in a Pit bulls nature’s to be mean. When I adopted Patchouli, the staff at the Humane Society was sure that we’d end. Up returning him which is a death sentence. Because he’d already been returned twice. See, Patchouli was horrifically abused most of his life and he has the trauma to show for it.