I went to Music Bank arrival for an I’m not short I’m just more down to earth than most people Owl shirt moment to see the girls but it was raining so heavily so it’s hard to take pictures with the camera so I didn’t and only watches them with my own eyes. Since it was raining, the girls are walking on my side and Seokyeong told me that it’s. I just saw a video of a girl cutting her own hair. And it took me down memory lane in high school. I wanna see buckys sister Becca teasing bucky. Because he can never find a girl to settle down with. I wanna see all the domestic stuff. Republicans don’t want Kavanaugh’s accomplice to testify because the public will discover what they know – a lifelong misogynist and perv who has documented his high school days with Kavanaugh full of abusing girls, blackout drinking and memory loss.