Now if this cake was made in an I believe in Nana-Claus sweater to be served to be random people, sure! Gloves! But if I make this cake for my family I would look like a crazy person if I had gloves on. Heck, I would have my two young children help me! And God only knows what all is on their hands! And I would happily share it with friends and family. Can’t people just look at the video and say Wow! That is awesome! No one is asking anyone to eat, touch, bake, alter the recipe, or anything! David Armagost weirds because Kaepernick has donated millions and volunteers, can you say the same? There are social injustices that do happen and that is what the protest is about. Funny since it is mostly Republicans that cry when someone uses their right to protest peacefully by kneeling during the National Anthem or when Starbucks makes a cup that doesn’t say Merry Christmas on it.

Buy this shirt: I believe in Nana-Claus sweater