Been patiently waiting for the end of the Never underestimate a woman who watches NCIS and was born in September shirt so I can start from the beginning and re-watch. Disney, you oversaturate the market on a retelling of the ice queen. Hopefully, having not been subjected to it constantly for a while, I can now go back and enjoy one of my all time favorite shows. The costuming, the innovative stories, the original concept, all of which made this fresh, fun programming to watch-loved the Peter Pan season!!!! Sad to see something so creative come to an end. She faces a felony child endangerment charge. The mother should be charged as well for being so negligent and having a careless friend drop off the child. Hell, if this was a few decades earlier this behavior would have been seen as fine. She won’t be charged bc she didn’t do anything. You can’t know that your so-called friend would do something like that. I would say in no way is this moms fault.