Roman’s announcement is not a Roman Reigns WWE fuck cancer shirt to bash fans who booed Roman during his push. There is a character and there is a man. Do not feel bad for booing the character but also don’t be afraid to be respectful and give well wishes to the man behind the character. Capricorns are needy, Aquarius communication sucks, Pisces are crazy, Aries ain’t shit, Taurus are annoying as fuck, Geminis are fake, cancers are emotional, Leos are self-consumed assholes, Virgos are known it all, Libras lie, Scorpios are sneaky, and Sags are hoes. I once asked my dad if he ever wanted to date again after my mom passed. He said When I married your mom I promised she would be the only woman I’d ever love I can’t believe you’re back together Rest In Peace to both of you and fuck cancer.

Buy this shirt: Roman Reigns WWE fuck cancer shirt