The fact that it is Don’t California my Texas shirt, and that means I shall never go and ride it. I am not a fan of the lack of the over shoulder harnesses either, but I am a coaster enthusiast, and therefore it is my duty to ride this. He reminds me of the Rip Ride Rocket ride at Universal Studios in Florida. At least the first part anyways, it does have a steep drop as well. Yet I can’t feel anything but curiosity to feel the intense adrenaline running through my whole nervous system that’ll cause my brain to fabricate a scenario of a real high-speed flight. You only need to listen to BETO for 2 minutes. To know he is a million times the human being Ted Cruz will ever be. I hope the Black and Latina women in Texas show up. And do what Black women did to Roy Moore in Alabama. Sit Cruz’s ass down! BETO is the real deal.

Buy this shirt: Don’t California my Texas shirt