I don’t feel like I’m getting older it’s more like my warranty has expired shirt

It’s obvious he can throw it I don’t feel like I’m getting older it’s more like my warranty has expired shirt no problem most of the time by where he’s starting to jump and how his windmill timing is. When you know you just ass so you just pretend trip and fall so you can get yourself out and away from more embarrassment. No wonder he dunks so hard now, it makes sense. Nobody wants to relive that embarrassment. Not to say this isn’t funny, it’s super fucking funny, but I feel bad. Dude going up for his moment in a flashy way. Wanting to hear a swish but the cruel response of the bonk of the rim. You can’t do any more without people making fun of you people will stop trying one day because of this I’m getting to where I hate these dam phones.
Dont Feel Like Im Getting Older Like Warranty Expired Hoodie