Love grandma life shirt

The internet’s shown a Love grandma life shirt new meaning to me lately. I asked you to send my grandma a good vibe while she was in the hospital. She’s out of hospital & her face while reading your messages was priceless. You made a difference to someone’s life that you’ve never met. Video incoming. Lost my sweet Papa last night! He lived a long happy and blessed life his words. He spent the last years of his life taking loving care of my Grandma who had a stroke, allowing her to stay in their home instead of a long-term care facility. One of the hardest days of my life is drawing to a close. My Grandma was an inspiration, both in life and in death she’s encouraged me to be a better person and take hardship with courage and a smile. Rest easy up there Grandma, your part of this family lasts forever.
Love Grandma Life Sweater

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