Totally agree on Naomi. I truly wish theOfficial Hocus Pocus Vogue Halloween shirt would take more responsibility for their litter. Not just at Pride but every day and especially when they’re at the beach. And it’s in danger of being blown out to sea. How can we get this to happen? I love Pride and see the march every year, although I didn’t have a hope of a ticket for the park why don’t city residents get priority. Litter on the beaches has been a problem all summer long. I’ve been doing my bit every morning to clean my section in Hove but we need more signs and bins. Most of the junk I find is kids stuff actually! Not all city residents go to Pride and they are entitled to be aggrieved by the mess left behind. Obviously, more cleaning staff need to be employed by the event and the bars need to take more responsibility.

Buy this shirt: Official Hocus Pocus Vogue Halloween shirt