Welcome to camp quitcherbitchin a certified happy camper area shirt

I can’t wait to see all my schoolmates in the Welcome to camp quitcherbitchin a certified happy camper area shirt wearing white lab coats, hard hats, corpo every day, keys for the airplane, sons, and daughters. We will make it guys! We will be the generation that will change all the toxic Filipino culture and all the other stereotypes. It’s the last day of the army camp and everyone is out tanning and chilling and listening to BTS on all our respective Bluetooth speakers someone needs to invent an army resort, they’d be a millionaire honestly, this is so much fun imma miss it. That running wild with unsubstantiated gang rape allegations against a distinguished jurist might not play all that well outside the precincts of their fetid ideological camp.
Welcome To Camp Quitcherbitchin A Certified Happy Camper Area Shirt