I love my curves tattoos imperfections and jiggly thighs shirt

I love all theI love my curves tattoos imperfections and jiggly thighs shirt little imperfections, wouldn’t change it for the world, they actually make the tattoo perfect. Thank you again, Glen, for writing this for me. I’m forever grateful. Scars are reminders of who you are and where you’ve come from, just like freckles or tattoos or piercings. They’re little imperfections that can act as bookmarks along with your journey. Don’t be ashamed of them. Imperfections are whatGagaa has told us to embrace no tattoo would and should ever be perfect. Art isn’t black and white. it’s a giant gray zone. You are gorgeous and your heart is too.
I Love My Curves Tattoos Imperfections And Jiggly Thighs Hoodie