I went to the Chicago Bears NFC north division champions shirt in Reykjavik and it was incredible. There was also a Chuck Norris hamburger place a few blocks away that was really good too! There’s already a restaurant in Charlotte named Lebowski’s themed after the movie. Y’all is about ten yrs too late. I can see too many drunks peeing on the rug because they think that would be hilarious. I didn’t believe it would happen so after watching the movie in 3rd-grade class I ran right out and stuck my tongue to the flagpole. Well it stuck on there pretty good I ended up ripping my tongue off and for the rest of the Holidays, I couldn’t eat hardly anything. As a little kid watching that movie it made me realize that you don’t ever stick your tung on a flagpole in freezing weather.

Buy this shirt: Chicago Bears NFC north division champions shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
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