Official Feeling small shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt

I use some empty cereal boxes instead of the Official Feeling small shirt. They work just as good and didn’t cost anything extra. I’ve cut them to different sizes according to shelf heights and store all kinds of bottles, packets, baking trays, and utensils in them. It works great for organizing the cupboards. I also taped one to my cupboard door under the sink to hold sponges and cloths. Just light things as I wouldn’t trust the weight of it. Repurpose what you can before buying all this plastic clutter! I do the same in drawers with plastic fruit containers. You really don’t need to buy these extra things. The only problem with the sliding shelf next to the fridge is heat: the fridge needs air around it to function properly and anything stored there is going to be warmer than room temp.
Official Feeling Small Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Official Feeling small shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt