Dachshund walkin’ in a Weiner wonderland shirt

Two sweeties. Dixie’s most of them love the Dachshund walkin’ in a Weiner wonderland shirt and playfulness of children, plus they LOVE to cuddle. Warmth is an essential element. Still, have pictures of you and Angie at Curlew Lake waking up together on the cot in the living room. Sweet. My son will do everything to save our dear Nickel from a deadly disease. Yet we still lost her. Our Consolation is that we know she’s already running free & happily in dog heaven. We miss you so much dearest Nicks! Just goes to show dachshunds are good with children. It’s the children that need training on how to treat the fur babies. Our kid and Bruno if only Bruno weren’t an asshole lol. Maybe this time around he will be nicer.
Dachshund Walkin' In A Weiner Wonderland Hoodie

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