I wanna be there when karma dry fucks your ass with a cactus shirt, hoodie, sweater

I do believe in Karma because it is I wanna be there when karma dry fucks your ass with a cactus shirt. I have seeing karma paying back those who hurt me. Yes, we receive what we give and then some. I agree with that last 4 sentences. There is no proof for spiritual Karma and it would be a tragedy if there was. That would degrade all good deeds. Essentially, we would do good deeds with the promise of reward or fear of punishment. It seems to me much more noble to do something for others without an enticement of reward. Do it because it was the right thing to do. Karma is sometimes God’s way of teaching us a lesson we need to learn to be better people. This is the ultimate truth. No peace till karmic account is cleared. Do not be surprised if not clear in this life it will continue in the next lives.
I Wanna Be There When Karma Dry Fucks Your Ass With A Cactus Hoodie

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