I’m disappointed in Never mind my hair I’m doing yours shirt more than anything, I chose to watch this. I did no one forced me. I’d be more impressed to see a full face of makeup being taken off in one swipe..but that’s just me I guess. I feel like this is something you’d think of/do for some reason. Idk why. Maybe just because you are usually a Disney princess at some point for Halloween. I am sure it works on animated hair in Disney world. You might want to go there and try. There might be a portal somewhere in NY I am sure!!! Because it’s not sharp enough, and you see how the sword wiggles during the cut? She needs a real sharp Chinese sword. Dummies. Since that time I butchered my hair, I have always wondered if this was possible finally some answers.
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Never mind my hair I’m doing yours shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt