Mom, you were my I have two titles mom and grandma and I rock them both shirt when I couldn’t go on. You told me the truth when I didn’t want to hear it. You held me tight when I was hurting. you never turned your back on me when I would mess up. You always told me how much you Loved me. You showed me how to be a mother. Each day of my life you are with me. I miss the time we would pray together. I know one day by the word of God that we will be together again in heaven. I am really looking forward to this day. You will be forever in mine. My mom, I think of you and speak of you many times a day, every day and I miss you every second of every day. I wish I could tell everything that has happened in my life and my families life sense you have gone. I miss you and love you.
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I have two titles mom and grandma and I rock them both shirt, hoodie, sweater