These are cute and To my daughter you are brave like a Gryffindor shirt, but… is nobody else wondering how the person trying to eat that first one will get it out of the pot without getting buttercream everywhere? These look delicious, and great too, but, what worries me more, is that she has a cut on her thumb and isn’t wearing gloves. I made ‘sorting cupcakes’ (with house-colored icing hidden in the center) for my daughter’s Harry Potter-themed bday party last year. Anyone else bothered by the fact that the candies she used for Ravenclaw were purple instead of blue. Long (and dirty) nails while working with food is a nope for me. I hope it’s mandatory for all cooks/bakers to have short nails but that’s probably wishful thinking. Ignorance is bliss.
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To my daughter you are brave like a Gryffindor shirt, hoodie, sweater